Your business website is the gateway to your business and the opportunity to make a solid first impression. It is crucial that your website is fully functional. Your website must be visually interesting, navigation must be clear, content must be valid, and your website must be responsive.
Many factors go into designing a website for your business. Yes, the visual appeal is important. It is important that your website upholds the brand and identifies your business. Colors, photos, and the overall web design translates the energy of your business. There are several other factors that determine a visitor stays on your website long enough to give you the sale you are looking for. A website’s purpose is to bridge the digital to the physical connection of your business. Once you obtain that call, email, inquiry, or E-com sale, the website has done its job. Easy navigation is important. Call to actions need to be clear and links need to work. The call-to-action word/phrase, as well as the picture associated with it, all need to be linked. There is nothing more annoying than trying to guess where to click to get somewhere on the website. Everyone’s perspective is different. Take the guess work out and make the whole idea, photo or box completely linked. Yes, is takes more time to link it all, but it will save that stress from your website visitor. Do not designate a tiny little box or word as the link. Trying to line up the mouse in a little spot if someone has bad eyesight or trouble operating a mouse because of arthritis, is a pain. Your website visitor will appreciate that you expanded the link and navigation will be smooth and seamless.
Content. Where do I start. Your website is not an E-Book! Keep your content brief and to the point. Yes, some educating factors can be part of the website, but adding every boring detail, and using big words to impress your website visitor will backfire. If your content is lengthy and uninteresting, your visitor will become disengaged and miss your ending statement and your next call to action. In fact, they may totally become frustrated with too much information and skip out of the whole entire website altogether. Here’s an idea…Maybe take that plethora of info and turn it into blogs! Therefore, creating search engine recognition.
Lastly, is your site responsive? Meaning when someone pulls your site up on their iPhone 6, does your site exhibit a big closeup of a nose instead of the picture of a whole group of people smiling with your logo off to the side when you open the website on a desktop computer? Yes, these are adjustments and changes that are critical and take a lot of time. This is where hiring a professional website designer comes into play. This is where having a custom website builder can fine-tooth comb through the details.
Website building platforms can seem like an easy route to take when building your business website. The same rule applies here as anywhere else. If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. It pays to have the website extraordinaire build your custom business website for you. It saves you a lot of time, money, and hassle, and you get a great website in return. Websites are a crucial marketing tool and can make or break your business. It is far worth the investment to have them professionally built. Website costs are a tax write-off, so why not have it done by a professional. Impress your customers build your business with a fantastic website!