Our first place winner of the $200 gift card to Mutts & Co.:


190 votes


Our second place winner of the $50 gift card to Mutts & Co.:

Billy and Cindy

127 votes


Our third place winner of the Henry The Dog Marketing Sweatshirt:


72 votes


Thanks to everyone who participated in our contest!  We hope all your pets keep their New Year’s Resolutions!  We loved hearing their stories!

Reese – 72 votes

Reese’s resolution is to dial back the drinking for 2021. As much as she loves a good brew on a patio, she’s hoping to focus a bit more on her health this year.

Nati – 13 votes

Nati’s New Years resolution is to go on more hikes with little brother, mom, and dad. She also wants to eat more treats and get more toys.

Savvy – 11 votes

Savvy’s goal is to quiet her barking so the neighbors don’t want to kill her . Lol

Miley – 20 votes

My resolution is to FINALLY catch that stupid red light. Oh, yes, red light, get ready. I WILL catch you!

Maximus – 15 votes

I resolve to not steal whole pizza boxes off the kitchen counter anymore and to not wake my Dad on weekends at 7:00am with the ‘Song of My People’

Brian – 14 votes

Hi.  I’m Brian The Cat.  My new year’s resolution is to eat more and exercise less.  I have an electric blanket.  It’s warm.  I sleep A LOT.  You don’t get a body like this being active.  I’m going to make 2021 my biggest year yet?

Casey – 16 votes

New Year’s Resolution:  Eat less poop.

Willie – 27 votes

Willie’s New Year’s Resolution is to smile more. He joined our family in June of 2020 from a shelter. His previous mom passed. He came to us a little scared of everything. We are loving him and encouraging him to relax and smile in 2021.

Billie and Cindy – 127 votes

Our human parents are doctors and we are home alone a lot.  We resolve not to ruin furniture, not poop or pee in the house (even though we have a doggie door), but we will continue to eat the broccoli that our human brother and sister continue to drop under the table.

Tommy – 43 votes

New Year’s Resolution: To actually learn how to retrieve a stick instead of eat it.

Milo – 12 votes

My name is Milo. My resolution is to listen better to my owner.

Gingerbelle – 12 votes

Hi my name is Gingerbelle. My resolution is to finally beat up my brother, Milo.

Opie – 12 votes

My New Year’s Resolution is to not rip open all the Christmas presents when nobody is home.

Duke – 24 votes

His resolution is to try and be less cute in 2021

Cap – 11 votes

Captain “Cap” is my name and sleeping is my game. My New Years resolution is to not sleep as much and be more active and fit!

Scout – 36 votes

I don’t like unknown people so I am a protector of my family.  My New Years resolution is to be nicer to people and give them a chance to give me treats and pets. ( I really like food and belly rubs)

Fiona – 190 votes

Fi’s New Year Resolution is to smile more! She said goodbye to a life of overbreeding and not being taken care of,  and was welcomed into a loving home and family! We love our FiFi!

Kotiro – 10 votes

Resolution… to bark at everyone on the street

Millie – 7 votes

My dog Millie is 1 years old and is a Mini Golden Doodle. Her New Year’s resolution is to learn to walk on a leash without pulling and to stop barking at other dogs. She is really smart and she really tries to test us all. Millie is part of our family and she has been such a great pleasure to our family. She has brought us joy during this Covid time with my 13 year old triplets.  She also wants to work on jumping when people come into the house. She is doing better but without people coming over it’s hard to get this accomplished.